Beaulieu Technical Textiles
Beaulieu Technical Textiles is an established leader and driving force in the global market of technical textiles. The company produces textile solutions out of a variety of polymers (polypropylene, polyethylene and biopolymers). The fabrics and tapes are used in different industries, such as agriculture and horticulture (agrotextiles), civil construction (geotextiles), the industrial packaging (coated and uncoated packaging), the carpet industry (for primary and secondary backings), and construction (under roofs foils).
Beaulieu Technical Textiles is a proud member of the Belgian Beaulieu International Group. Today this renowned industrial group holds a solid market position both in producing raw materials and intermediate goods and in offering an extensive range of finished floor coverings.
Belgian Road Research Centre
The Belgian Road Research Centre (BRRC) is a privately initiated public utility research centre created in 1952 at the request of the Belgian road contractors, by application of a decree-law of 1947, to promote and coordinate technological progress in road construction. To that end, its core tasks are research and development, assistance to the profession and knowledge transfer. As an impartial research and knowledge centre, BRRC is at the service of all partners in the road branch. Sustainable development through innovation is the vital lead for all the activities of the Centre.
BontexGeo NV
Bontexgeo provides high quality geosynthetics, such as woven and nonwoven geotextiles produced from various raw materials. Our products have a proven track record in civil engineering applications such as filtration, separation, reinforcement, drainage and protection. Bontexgeo has a history of over 30 years in technical textiles and is one of the leading suppliers in geotextiles.
Buildwise is there for you
Buildwise is on a mission to perform scientific and technical research for the benefit of its members; to supply technical information, assistance and consultancy to its members; to contribute in general to innovation and development in the construction sector in particular by performing contract research upon request of the industry and the authorities
Holcim Solutions and Products EMEA BV
Elevate is trots om deel uit te maken van de Holcim Building Envelope divisie, die enkele van de meest gerespecteerde en innovatieve merken van de bouwindustrie omvat. Met vestigingen in 81 landen en meer dan 2000 medewerkers wereldwijd, staan alle merken van Holcim achter een gezamelijke doelstelling: vooruitgang boeken voor de mens en de planeet.
Manifattura Fontana was born as a family business in 1932, and preserves the tradition of a textile manufacturing activity , continued in Valbrenta since 1704.
Since 2016, Sioen Industries, a diversified Group with an extensive portfolio of textile products and activities has chosen Manifattura Fontana as the best strategic partner to enter the geotextile industry.
In manufacturing added-value geotextiles, Manifattura Fontana now combines its extensive experience and know-how, with the reliability of a consolidated multinational group.
Texion Geosynthetics N.V.
TEXION levert een volledig gamma geokunststoffen voor de wegen- en waterbouw, spoorwegen, vliegvelden en afvalstortplaatsen. Samen met ons uitgebreid netwerk zijn we ook een kenniscentrum dat deskundig al uw vragen beantwoordt. Onze innovatieve oplossingen staan bekend als projecten met de Texion touch. TEXION ondersteunt oplossingen met deskundig advies.
University of Gent, Vakgroep Textielkunde
The Department of Textiles of Ghent University has a long tradition of supporting the textile industry through testing, research, advice and training. The Department of Textiles offers services through its accredited labs combined with advice through scientific research. The department also actively participates in standardisation, on national as well as on international level. A strong focus is put on high tech textile materials, process optimisation and technical and smart textiles. That is why we have been performing tests and research on geotextiles for many decades now.
Vlaamse Overheid Departement Mobiliteit en Openbare Werken
De afdeling Geotechniek voert voor de Vlaamse overheid en externe klanten geotechnische proeven en metingen uit op het terrein en in het laboratorium om de aard, opbouw en karakteristieken van de grond te bepalen, voor een duurzaam en economisch ontwerp van civieltechnische projecten. Voor de Vlaamse overheid worden studies verricht en advies gegeven voor het geotechnisch ontwerp van deze projecten.
Frans Rochtus
Ms. Gemmina Di Emidio
Ms. Michela De Camillis