10th International Conference on Geosynthetics Bridges Engineering Sectors
Great synergy is expected between these events. All attendees of ICG or DGGT will enjoy the combined exhibition hall. Those who wish to sit in on technical sessions at both conferences will be able to at an attractively reduced rate for dual participation.
Additionally, during the latter half of 10 ICG and the 33rd BT, Berlin will be the site of the world’s largest railway infrastructure exhibition (InnoTrans 2014), so attendees can take in an extra exhibition as they conclude their time with ICG and the DGGT.
The official language of 10 ICG (www.10icg-berlin.com) is English. The BT and the DGGT’s Young Geotechnical Engineering Session will be simultaneously translated into English.
SPECIAL LECTURES 10 ICG is being organized by the German Chapter of the International Geosynthetics Society (IGS) under the auspices of the IGS. The organizers are proud to announce a truly international lineup of speakers who will bridge the many ways geosynthetics enhance, enable, or influence designs throughout geotechnical and civil engineering. Planned lectures include:
- Giroud Lecture – Richard Bathurst (Canada)
- Welcome Lecture, “History and Actual State of Geosynthetic Applications in Germany” – Georg Heerten (Germany)
- Keynote, “Natural Disasters Mitigation by using construction methods with geosynthetics (Landslides, Flooding, Earthquake)” – Dennes Bergado (Thailand), Michael Heibaum (Germany), and Fumio Tatsuoka (Japan)
- Keynote, “Environmental benefits by using construction methods with geosynthetics” – Holger Wallbaum (Switzerland)
- Keynote, “Costs savings by using construction methods with geosynthetics” – Barry Christopher (USA)
The formal technical program is forthcoming, as final papers will be submitted to the scientific and technical committee in February 2014. Approximately 500 abstracts were submitted, and the final oral presentation program will contain no more than 300 presentations.
As of 9 January 2014, more than 90% of the exhibition space has sold. Learn more at www.10icg-berlin.com.